Stable Assistant:

A friendly chatbot powered by our latest text and image generation technology. Currently in beta, improvements are continuously being made and more features will be added soon.

Generate with Stable Diffusion 3

Experience our most capable text-to-image model yet with Stable Assistant. With greatly improved performance in multi-subject prompts, image quality, and spelling capabilities, you can transform your thoughts into stunning images.

Chat with Stable Assistant

Whether you're drafting a blog post, editing a script, or searching for the perfect words to caption an image, our advanced language model, Stable LM 2 12B, powers Stable Assistant to enhance your content with its powerful text generation capabilities.

Choose Your Stable Assistant Plan



900 credits monthly

Chat history



1900 credits monthly

Chat history



5500 credits monthly

Chat history



12000 credits monthly

Chat history



900 credits monthly

Chat history



1900 credits monthly

Chat history



5500 credits monthly

Chat history



12000 credits monthly

Chat history

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Stable Assistant is a friendly chatbot powered by Stability AI’s text and image generation technology, featuring Stable Diffusion 3 and Stable LM 2 12B. It excels in generating images from conversational prompts, offering knowledgeable responses, helping with writing projects, and enhancing content with complimentary matching images. Capable of generating images in various styles, Stable Assistant leans towards an illustration style in some specific use cases.

  • To begin using Stable Assistant, choose a subscription level that suits your requirements (starting at $9 per month), and then you can start creating!

  • Each subscription tier has a monthly credit limit as detailed in the pricing tiers. You will be deducted 6.5 credits for each successful image generation and 0.1 credit for each message sent to Stable Assistant.