Stable Artisan: Media Generation and Editing on Discord

Key Takeaways

  • Stable Artisan enables media generation on Discord powered by Stability AI’s cutting-edge image and video models, Stable Diffusion 3, Stable Video Diffusion, and Stable Image Core. 

  • Stable Artisan can be used during the initial release on the Stable Diffusion Discord Server

  • In addition to media generation, Stable Artisan offers tools to edit your creations like Search and Replace, Remove Background, Creative Upscale and Outpainting.  

One of the most frequent requests from the Stable Diffusion community is the ability to use our models directly on Discord. Today, we are excited to introduce Stable Artisan, a user-friendly bot for media generation on Discord. 

Stable Artisan makes the capabilities of Stability AI’s Developer Platform API accessible to a wider audience. Featuring our advanced models such as Stable Diffusion 3, Stable Video, and Stable Image Core, Stable Artisan enables users to create high-quality media directly within Discord, offering the flexibility to create and collaborate in their personal environments.

The credit cost for generations with Stable Artisan can be found on our pricing page.

You can access Stable Artisan now on the Stable Diffusion Discord server

Getting Started 

Stable Artisan is designed for ease of use, regardless of your experience with Discord. To start creating with your own prompts, you only need to use one simple slash command:

/dream - generate images with the option of Stable Diffusion 3, our most capable model yet, or with Stable Image Core.

After your image is generated, you can easily customize it to your precise specifications using these intuitive editing tools:

Search and Replace - The Search and Replace service is a specific version of inpainting that does not require a mask. Instead, users can leverage a search_prompt to identify an object in simple language to be replaced. The service will automatically segment the object and replace it with the object requested in the prompt.

Remove Background - The Remove Background service accurately segments the foreground from an image and implements and removes the background.

Creative Upscale - Takes low-resolution or low-quality images and upscales them all the way to 4K resolution. Put more generally, it can upscale images ~20-40x times while preserving, and often enhancing, quality. Creative Upscale works best on highly degraded images and is not for photos of 1mp or above as it performs heavy reimagining (controlled by creativity scale).

Outpaint - The Outpaint service inserts additional content in an image to fill in the space in any direction. Compared to other automated or manual attempts to expand the content in an image, the Outpaint service should minimize artifacts and signs that the original image has been edited.

Control Sketch - This service offers an ideal solution for design projects that require brainstorming and frequent iterations. It transforms rough hand-drawn sketches to high quality images with precise control. For non-sketch images, it allows detailed manipulation of the final appearance by leveraging the contour lines and edges within the image.

Control Structure - This service excels in generating images by maintaining the structure of an input image, making it especially valuable for advanced content creation scenarios such as recreating scenes or rendering characters from models.

Video - Generate a short video based on an initial image with Stable Video Diffusion, a latent video diffusion model.

To start creating, visit the Stable Diffusion server and click on the Stable Artisan channel

Acceptable Use Policy

Please take the time to carefully read our Acceptable Use Policy before you register for Stable Artisan. To protect the public, we reserve the right to ban any user that infringes on this policy. 

To stay updated on our progress follow us on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and join our Discord Community.


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