Image Services on Stability AI Developer Platform

Key Takeaways

  • The Stability AI Developer Platform now offers a comprehensive suite of API services, setting new standards in image generation, upscaling, and editing, with additional services forthcoming.

  • Designed for builders and innovators, these services combine our cutting-edge image models with our in-house expertise to offer developers control and customization to integrate into their products.

  • To get started, visit the Stability AI Platform Documentation page or use this notebook for a quick-start to try out the services we offer.

Today we are introducing a powerful suite of image services on the Stability AI Developer Platform API to enhance media creation. Utilizing our cutting-edge image models, these services offer developers and builders comprehensive tools for image generation, enhancement, outpainting, and editing, streamlining the development of user-focused solutions and simplifying high-quality image production without complex prompt engineering.

Image Generating and Editing

These services are organized into four categories, designed to meet the diverse needs of developers. Companies like Nightcafe and Openart have already implemented these solutions into their platforms, enabling their customers to create next level content.


Create new, original media from text descriptions using our flagship image service Stable Image Core or our groundbreaking image models including the soon to be released Stable Diffusion 3.


Enhance images to 4k by utilising our advanced creative upscaler services to enhance the resolution and quality of images and videos without compromising detail.


Intuitively edit images through natural language prompts, encompassing tasks such as inpainting, outpainting, and modification.


We will soon offer tools to guide what you generate, ensuring that the outputs closely align with intentions. This is crucial for developers and creators who require consistent and predictable results, enabling them to produce content that meets specific criteria.


We believe in safe, responsible AI practices. This means we have taken and continue to take reasonable steps to prevent the misuse of our products by bad actors. We have implemented comprehensive safety pipelines that monitor inputs and outputs, ensuring that our services maintain a high standard for avoiding offensive content. For more details, refer to our acceptable use policy.

Get Started 

Easily integrate with our new REST API backend, available for immediate use. Begin by exploring the Stability AI Platform Documentation page or dive straight into this notebook to experience our new services firsthand.

To stay updated on our progress, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and join our Discord Community.


Stability AI Announcement


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